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Decoding QR Codes - Is it time to embrace this tool in your marketing?

Decoding QR Codes – Is it time to embrace this tool in your marketing?

QR codes can be used in a variety of ways, from marketing campaigns to inventory management and lots of other handy applications. For example, they can be used to track items and provide data about their movement.

Sturgeon, Scrooge and Electric Monks – why creatives should take A.I. with a pinch of salt

Sturgeon, Scrooge and Electric Monks – why creatives should take A.I. with a pinch of salt

Apparently A.I. is rising up to destroy humanity and it’s going to start the coup by putting the creatives out of business. The way some people are talking about it, you would think an army of cybernetic assassins is hiding on the roof just waiting to pick us off as soon as we pop out for lunch.

Five ways ‘stacking’ helps your PR start-up success

Five ways ‘stacking’ helps your PR start-up success

Having a PR strategy that only aims to get you featured in high-profile national and global media from the onset can lead to short-term disappointment and affect your relationship with PR long-term.

Are you fluent in body language?

Are you fluent in body language?

Reading body language, matching it and being adaptable in your style of communication helps build the kind of rapport which leads to sales.

Are you a good listener?

Are you a good listener?

As a business owner, being a good listener is critical to your success. You have to keep your ear to the ground with regard to customers and competitors.

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