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Do you want to create an AMAZING brand?

Do you want to create an AMAZING brand?

The first thing to remember is that your brand is not what you think you are, your brand is what other people think you are. So, you need to get out there and show people exactly who you are. Which of course means that first of all, you need to be out there.

SEO: Why it's not a one-off exercise

SEO: Why it’s not a one-off exercise

Just doing SEO for your website launch, then leaving it, is like having a shop with its windows boarded up. People will come when invited to the grand opening, but after that they’ll walk past every day and forget you’re there.

How social media stress can ruin your online presence

How social media stress can ruin your online presence

During the pandemic, social media user activity increased from an average of 2 hours a day to 7 hours a day. Social media became a lifeline for many during the lockdown and all of the social media platforms not only saw a huge increase in new users signing up but also inactive accounts being used once more.

What is Public Relations....?

What is Public Relations….?

Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising …… a common misunderstanding is that these terms are interchangeable; they are not. When I meet a prospective client for the first time they are often confused by these terms so I thought I’d use this article to explain the differences between each of these terms.

6 questions to ask before you write a blog

6 questions to ask before you write a blog

Blogging for business works…

Businesses with a regular blog on their website get twice as many email enquiries than businesses that don’t. Small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than those without.

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