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Hang in there and be 99% fat-free – understanding that content is created not grown

Hang in there and be 99% fat-free – understanding that content is created not grown

I admit to being a bit of an iconoclast at times. It’s not that I am unduly argumentative or that I enjoy pulling things apart, it’s just that some things push my buttons.

How to make your time on LinkedIn enjoyable and profitable

How to make your time on LinkedIn enjoyable and profitable

Anyone can organically grow their business through LinkedIn. On a free account, without any ad spend. Yet the best strategy is useless if you don’t stick to it. Find out how LinkedIn can be enjoyable (so that you stick to it) and profitable whilst you’re at it.

How do you represent your brand?

How do you represent your brand?

Every day and every second we’re making snap judgements about everything we see. And all of those details and opinions add up and build our whole impression of a person or brand.

Insights into marketing a small business

Insights into marketing a small business

Marketing for smaller businesses can be a real struggle , especially in the early stages. Having to ‘get the word out’ on a limited budget can be hard when you must try to understand what the best-value techniques are to attract new customer.

The importance of radio in your marketing

The importance of radio in your marketing

In this drive to digital quite often the old ways can be forgotten, especially for new businesses, enterprises and new marketers, I want to remind and maybe even introduce you to the power and importance of making sure radio is in your marketing plan, from free media to paid for promotion.

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