Sales & marketing

Are you featuring your posts on LinkedIn?


Since the buyout from Microsoft in 2016, many different features have been trialed, some of which have been added to the platform, and some which didn’t make the cut – such as the “LinkedIn Stories” similar to those on Instagram. However, LinkedIn is now more focused on implementing new tools to assist creators who want to further their content.

If you’re not already taking advantage of the Featured Section on your LinkedIn profile, then it may well be time to activate the feature.

LinkedIn’s Featured section allows user to feature their posts in a prominent position on their profile. You can feature Posts, External links, Articles, and other types of media such as photos and videos. The Feature section can be used for a variety of ways to showcase your content and help you promote events, special offers, vacancies and more!

How to activate                                 

It’s worth ensuring you have at least 3 relevant and quality posts available to you when you activate this feature as they will immediately be displayed at the top of your profile.

Once you’ve selected your posts, click on the three dots at the top right corner of the post. The first option you will see on the drop-down list is “Feature on top of profile”.

Once the Feature section is activated, click on the “+” button to add other posts, media, links, or articles which will be featured in the order you select and customise.

Benefits to the Feature section

Promote events

What better way to promote events than to have them prominently displayed at the top of your profile for visitors to see? You can customise the order of the featured posts to ensure your event stays in prime position. This can help to create awareness and excitement around the event, as well as driving ticket sales.

Once the date of the event has passed, you can easily remove from post from your Featured section, and you could even create and feature a follow up post with pictures or videos from your event!

Share promotional offers

If you’re running a promotion, for example, a seasonal pricing offer, then featuring it either via a post, photo, or document is a great way to market it to your audience. This helps to ensure your content and promotions are easy to see by those who visit your profile.

Just remember to remove the post from the feature once the offer has run its course, so you don’t confuse potential customers.

Showcase products and services

This feature is fantastic for showcasing new products or services that your business offers. Feature content that promotes your new offerings. You can add links for e-commerce, display photos, have video demonstrations – which can be recorded directly through LinkedIn – and even share articles or blogs about what your business does.

Drive traffic to your website

To drive more traffic to your website, blog page, YouTube channel, or any other external web content, add the link to the Featured section. Ensure there is an attractive thumbnail with your external links so it looks valid to click on.

Alternatively, if your aim is to drive traffic and increase followers to your company page, then instead you can add the company page URL in the Featured section to encourage people to follow your business page.

Feature articles

For content creators and writers who use the LinkedIn Publisher feature, then this is an opportunity to display your recent, or best, articles to your network. If you regularly create articles which you want to share, you can keep them in the Feature section for viewers to refer to.

The LinkedIn Publisher feature is easy to use and essentially allows you to copy and paste your articles into their text boxes and upload a cover image. Therefore, it’s very quick to format this type of content and make the article look good.

However, despite the ease of use, and the fact that LinkedIn encouraging original content on their platform, the LinkedIn Publish articles are often very slow to get engagement and often don’t get anywhere near the views they may deserve. At least using the Feature section for the articles allows them to remain in view for profile visitors!

Display current vacancies

Outside of all the other recruitment focused features LinkedIn has to offer, you can also use the Feature section to display current vacancies. By applying the “hiring” frame to your profile picture, you can increase job seekers and recruiter traffic to your profile and by having the vacancies displayed on the Feature section, it’s another way people can easily see the roles you wish to fill.

Again, just remember to remove the vacancies once the positions are filled.


There are lots of creative ways that you can take advantage of the Feature section. Whether you want to drive traffic to your website, share business promotions, encourage candidates, or simply promote your posts, it’s worth using this feature. If you haven’t already turned it on, give it a go and see how your content and business can benefit.

Originally posted 2022-11-02 11:33:53.

Eloise Idoine
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Eloise Idoine

Eloise Idoine is the owner of Rialto Training, a LinkedIn training and social selling company. With 12 years' experience in senior sales and marketing roles, Eloise uses her knowledge to get companies to get the most out of using the free version of LinkedIn so they don't have to pay for premium subscriptions or expensive advertising. The training teaches businesses how to optimise their profile, create industry-focused content strategies, and build their target audience through the platform.

Are you featuring your posts on LinkedIn?

by Eloise Idoine Time to read: 3 min