Five things you should be doing daily on Facebook
Does anyone still use Facebook?!
I know some of you will have gravitated away from Facebook, because you are thinking maybe other platforms, such as Instagram or TikTok are the more trending platforms. Does anyone still use Facebook?! The truth is, of course they do!
If we think about it from a demographic perspective, the Facebook audience has never been stronger when it comes to the 35-55 age range. So depending on who your target audience is, I would say Facebook is a really important place to make sure you’re still involved in the crowds and hanging out.
Back in the day I’d say don’t worry about your personal profile, focus on your business page and build your brand from there organically, perhaps invest in advertisement to really supercharge it. I DO still believe that to be true, but there are LOTS of groups on Facebook, which you can access as a page or often they’re groups you can join as an individual, which I believe to be one of the best means to ‘advertise’ yourself and your brand.
Think of this phrase ‘All roads lead to Rome’… All of your online presence should lead to your brand, right? So, as I said, there are five things you should be doing on Facebook every day to make sure our foundations are in place before you even begin to invest in advertising.
- Ensure you are posting a minimum of TWICE a day
Think of it as an AM/PM post. The reality is not everybody who is following your page is going to see everything you are posting, so we need to make sure we’re posting enough to be seen by as many people as possible. You can check this on your insights on your page… if you post once or twice a day, every six weeks check your stats, what reach are you getting? What we’ve found is if you post up to 4 times a day, that’s overkill. If you’re posting once a day, it’s kind of not enough. Aiming for two posts a day is a good place to sit, and you can schedule those ahead. For example, make sure that every Monday you’re doing a livestream, or every Wednesday you post a ‘tips and tricks’, etc.
- Go back and check your posts from the day before
Have a look at who’s interacting with your posts, invite them to follow the page. Maybe go and look at them on LinkedIn and see what companies they’re from, because this could be creating leads for you and it’s up to you to ensure you’re doing that follow up.
- Look at your notifications in detail
Make sure you’re responding to everything and replying to your messages. If you’ve left a comment elsewhere, and someone has responded to that, go back and reply! Take the time to go through and check EVERYTHING.
- Go out and check other pages
Your target audience – where are they on Facebook? What are they doing? Identify a few pages that you can follow to make sure their content is in your feed. The algorithm behind this can be a little bit messy sometimes, you might find that you’re only seeing newer pages you’ve followed. So if you can, just keep track of a minimum of 10 pages (two pages a day) that you know your perfect client is most likely to be following, and each day go to those pages, look at what they’ve posted recently, and LEAVE A COMMENT. If someone that likes this brand or company is looking at this page regularly, they’ll be looking through the comments more so than the likes, and what we’re trying to do is make sure your name is spotted amongst these. We’re really trying to reach out beyond our own page to attract new people coming in.
- Share trending content
This is the stuff we can’t plan for. Something that maybe has broken in the news. Each day I want you to be looking at your news sources, look at the people you’re receiving emails from, go on to Twitter, what’s trending? If there’s something you can pick out that’s relevant to your audience, create some content around that. It could be an educational piece, entertainment or giving your opinion, whatever it is, just make sure you’re using the relevant hashtags and all that good stuff so that your post is being picked up when people are reading through that topic.
So they’re the five things I really want you to make sure you’re doing each day!
Originally posted 2022-06-14 12:31:25.
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