Hit the ground running
The holiday period can be really challenging for business owners and salespeople. Your prospects are on holiday, there’s a sense of apathy because people want to make decisions after the holiday, and you might be taking some well-deserved time out yourself. All of these can have an impact on business and, if you’re anything like me, you can’t wait for September, when life gets back to normal.
Getting back into business after a holiday can be challenging. For whatever reason, it can sometimes take a couple of weeks to “get round” to the day-to-day aspects that are needed to drive revenue. However, it’s imperative that we don’t take this approach. There are only a few months before the Christmas period hits and any delay could have a knock-on effect with the revenue for the last quarter of the year. Here are my top 4 tips to help you get up and running on your first day back into the office:
- Review your sales plan and goals – what do you want to achieve?
- What business do you know you have and what do you need?
- Look at what is in your pipeline, contact those customers to re-establish contact after the holidays.
- What business development activity is needed? Book those networking meetings in, prioritise the calls to prospects, touch base with existing customers.
Focussing on these activities will get you back into your business quickly and the revenue rolling.
Find out more about how The Sales Ace can help you.
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