
Latest Finance Articles

So, why should I purchase my own commercial premises?

So, why should I purchase my own commercial premises?

A vast majority of business owners either trade from home or, if they do require offices or a factory, either prefer to rent their premises on commercial terms or don’t understand the benefits of property ownership.

Getting your financial life in order

Getting your financial life in order

Getting saving early really can pay off. Think about it – if you’re money is invested or earning interest today, you’ve a better chance of that money growing over a longer period of time.

What impact is the “new normal” going to have on procurement

What impact is the “new normal” going to have on procurement

Many of us are tired of the term ‘new normal’. We are used to, yet tired of social distancing, but deep down we know, nothing is ever going to be quite the same again.

Are your employees benefiting from you?

Are your employees benefiting from you?

Smaller employers are starting to join in and are looking into providing benefits to employees but can be concerned about the extra red tape, as well as the cost and administering of the benefit.

What is the best way of taking money out of my business?

What is the best way of taking money out of my business?

This article will explain the optimal salary for a personal and family company and how to use dividends to ensure tax efficiency.

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